In my practice, I am constantly using a client's values to guide our sessions and goals. In this post, I hope to clarify what 'Values' mean and why they are so important. 
Values are simply what you want your life to be about and what really matters to you. This might sound morbid, but values are what you want to say you really stuck by when you are at the end of your life looking back. 
Values are like a compass--they lead us in the general direction we want our lives to go in, and although we might not always be pointing exactly in that direction, we can always adjust and turn back towards what matters. 
Some examples of values: Genuineness, tradition, family, health, self acceptance, compassion. Some of my personal values are: Family, Tradition, Genuineness, Health, and Giving Back. Some of my professional values are: Integrity, Collaboration, Curiosity. 

VALUES EXERCISE: If you are curious about what your values are, I recommend printing out this Values Card Sort exercise (below) and just noticing what comes up as you read each card. You can even sort the cards into Most Important, Important, and Not Important categories. Warning: This exercise is more difficult than you think!
There is only ONE RULE: No judging yourself! You might notice that some of the things that really matter to you are not things you're living consistently in line with. THAT'S OK! You are human and none of us are constantly in line with our values. The most important thing is that you make an adjustment in even the tiniest way to get closer to what matters, one small step at a time.…/valuescardsort_0.…

I did this exercise with my husband when we were engaged. We got on the floor of our apartment and each did our own card sort, then compared the two. It was fascinating to see where our values lined up and where they differed. I recommend doing this exercise on your own first, then perhaps with a friend, a family member, or partner. It can be helpful for a deeper understanding of what matters to you and to those you care about. 

Happy Value-ing!!!

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